Thank you for partnering with Restoration Nation Retreat (RNR). Your financial support allows us to pour out the extravagant love of the Father through Christ-centered retreats.
To join our Give RNR Monthly Support team, choose "recurring" below and then choose the frequency of the gift and the date you want your donation to begin. To give toward a specific retreat or need, choose from the pull-down FUND menu. If you'd like to give toward more than one fund category - choose the blue "add a fund" button and choose the new category from the pull-down menu. Use the OPTIONAL COMMENTS section if you would like to provide additional details about your donation. If you prefer to give via Venmo (one-time gifts only), you can do so here.
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To join our Give RNR Monthly Support team, choose "recurring" below and then choose the frequency of the gift and the date you want your donation to begin. To give toward a specific retreat or need, choose from the pull-down FUND menu. If you'd like to give toward more than one fund category - choose the blue "add a fund" button and choose the new category from the pull-down menu. Use the OPTIONAL COMMENTS section if you would like to provide additional details about your donation. If you prefer to give via Venmo (one-time gifts only), you can do so here.
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